Order tracking

Here you will find integration instructions for orders tracking. Order tracking allows us to understand whether your customers actually add to cart and checkout (order) the size we recommended.

NOTE that no sensitive customer data is accessed by Easysize nor is any sensitive data transmitted.


Add to cart

Whenever an item is added to cart, Easysize meta data should be attached to the product. This usually includes updating the cart form on the page with additional attributes. Here’s an example from our shopify plugin

var easysize_attributes = {
  "loaded": function() {
    var form = document.querySelector('form[action="/cart/add"]')
    var input = document.createElement('input')
    input.type = "hidden"
    input.id = "esid-input"
    input.name = "properties[_esid]"
    input.value = EasySizeParametersDebug.easysize.pageview_id

REST API setup

We will ask you for an API key so that we could execute our automatic data extraction scripts on your store.

What data do we extract?

Based on our docs

Generating API keys

Here are some popular e-commerce references on how to generate one:

Remember, if you encounter a problem, reach out to us at info@easysize.me, our team is always ready to help you out!

POST setup

You will send a request for every purchased items to our system.

POST https://popup.easysize.me/api/app_id/tracking/order


Parameter Type Description
purchased_size* String Variant of purchased item
pageview_id* String Easysize tracking ID
order_id* String Order ID from your system
product_id* String Product ID from your system
user_id* String User id from your system
price Float Item price
price_currency String Price currency
timestamp Number  
created_at String Date  
test_order Boolean  

Example request

	"user_id": "751284",
	"pageview_id": "a4b98439-64e4-409d-bae1-ca81ee3498d",
	"order_id": "12874510000",
	"product_id": "100012341",
	"purchased_size": "Medium",
  "created_at": "2020-12-24 12:20:30"